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GMK WoB Red Cyrillic

GMK WoB Red Cyrillic

A word from the designer, Qarmaa:

“This set features new Cyrillic sublegends that Alexbarb and I put together, they are very similar to Latin GMK/Cherry in the sense of typeface. The idea was to make it as accurate as possible Cyrillic. On top of the most noticeable legend changes (У, Ж, Л), Cyrillic was completely redone from the ground up. Sublegends on R (К), T (Е), Y (Н), [ (Х), D (В), F (А), H (Р), J (О), Z (Я), C (С), V (M), B (И), N (Т) as well as sublegends on num row will be using original GMK (Cherry) font since glyphs are the same. The rest are custom outlines with original Latin legends in mind.”

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